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Why Photograph Pets?


This is the most commonly asked question I get. The answer is pretty simple.

I imagine you’re reading this blog post because you love your pet. Whether like me you’re a dog person, or your owned by a cat or two, or any other pet, they are an incredibly important part of your life. Your pet is as important to you as the humans in your life. You spend time walking together, playing in the back yard, enjoying a warm sunny day or snuggling in your favourite chair. Whatever it is you do with your pet, that experience you have with them is a cherished part of your life.

You also know they don’t live long enough. If we consider the life soan of a dog, well that varies depending on breed but can be as low as six or seven years for giant breeds such as Great Danes right through to 20 years for tiny breeds and everything in between. The time with them is precious and too short.


The photo that accompanies this blog post shows my husband walking with the dogs we had when it was taken, back in 2020. I adore the photo. It shows the three of them together with a gorgeous sunset in the background. Kings Billabong is a recurring favourite place of mine to photograph. Despite Zena’s life of 13.5 years & Cadel’s of 7.5 (f*** cancer for cutting his life short) I feel regret for not having enough photos of them. At least, not ones that I consider good enough, although I suppose a great deal of that feeling comes down to the perfectionist in me striving to always improve my photography skills.

I tell myself I should have taken more time to make more photos of them. Of course we never know when they will leave us.

So I photograph dogs, beloved pets, because I don’t want other people to feel the same way as me. I want people to have photo art hanging on their walls or flipped through in an album, so those precious moments can be enjoyed every day, even when eventually that pet has gone.

If you too want to experience the joy of creating gorgeous artwork of your pet, get in touch. I’d love to work with you to create lifetime memories.


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